Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Fat and Sick: The Big Lie

I'm not sure exactly what day it was, but it was about three years ago when I came to the realization that most of what we are told are lies. I know, you're thinking, but how can that be? How can everything be lies? Hang in there, and I'll explain. I'm not saying that there is necessarily malice behind the lies, although in some cases there might be. I think that part of it is the sheer volume of information that is out there, the inability of most people to sort through all of it, and the powers that control the narrative that 'goes viral'.

In the Spring of 2010, I read Gary Taubes book Good Calories, Bad Calories. I got about a hundred pages into it and was so angry, I wanted to destroy something. Why was I angry? I was angry because medical science has known about the carbohydrate hypothesis of weight gain since at least the 19th century. THE NINETEENTH F*ING CENTURY! Now, I weighed three hundred pounds in high school. You read that correctly, three hundred pounds. Do you think anyone ever at any point in my life said to me, hun, maybe you need to cut back on carbohydrates? Hell no. They said I ate too much (I was so hungry). They said I didn't exercise enough (it's difficult when you're so fat). They said fat was bad for you. But carbohydrates? I didn't even know what a carbohydrate was until I was probably twenty-five. No one in my world talked about carbohydrates. People may have on occasion said that sugar would rot my teeth, but I didn't drink regular soda. I also don't particularly have a sweet tooth for candy either. So I never made the connection.

My problems went beyond the carbohydrate consumption however (this is not the case for others in my family whose problems were solely carbohydrate driven). I was born with a severe casein allergy that caused internal bleeding and I was in the hospital when I was ten days old. My parents thought I was dying. My grandmother figured it was the milk. I was put on Nutramagen, an amino based baby formula that was prescription. The doctor told my parents that I would outgrow the milk allergy. By the time I was five, my mother let me consume things with milk in them, but I was never a fan of milk straight or on cereal because it made my stomach hurt. If taken straight with nothing diluting it or a large amount, milk would make me feel as if someone was stabbing me with knives in the gut. No one in my family investigated why milk made my stomach hurt, or the insane weight gain that began after I started consuming milk products. It was bad healthcare all around. I had severe and chronic ear infections, which is associated with milk allergy. Did the doctor think, hmm, this child was milk allergy when an infant and has ear infection every other week, maybe I should look into this. No. Not no, but hell no. Instead it was tubes, scarred ear drums, and adenoids removed. No one had a clue about anything. So I suffered from ridicule and scorn for being three hundred pounds for something that I had no inkling about and therefore no control over. I was three hundred pounds, not because I ate too much or didn't exercise enough, but because of a milk allergy causing severe intestinal inflammation and elevated insulin from probably consuming excess carbohydrates in conjunction with said allergy.

If you are normal weight without trying, congratulations! You have a correctly functioning body. That's all. It's nothing you've done. You're not magically eating right and exercising. Your endocrine system is whirring away keeping everything operating in the manner it's supposed to. So next time you see a three hundred pound person and think to yourself something, I want you to think, they have something physiologically wrong with them. Because no one wants to be three hundred pounds. No one. Eating less and moving more doesn't work. If it did work, there wouldn't be anyone overweight. And no one has bloody told them that they should try something else. So, there's one lie. There's of course many others, most outside the scope of a single blog. I'm not sure how anyone can say this lie with a straight face, it being so obviously wrong, but they do. The powers that spout said lie, might not be privy to the fact that it's a lie, but I think in most cases, that is not the case. They know. It's monetarily beneficial to a lot of people that you remain fat and sick. Fat and sick people are easily controlled. They don't care about politics, or what is going on in the world. They just want to feel better. This is human nature, and the powers that be know it.

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